Monday, October 22, 2007

Adapting to a roommate

When you come to college and you choose to live on campus you are faced with the challenge of adapting to living with a person you may or may not know. The first week or so you don't know exactly how this person is. People tend to be nice until you get to know them. It is not rare that over time you and your new roommate or roommates may not get along. They could be dirty, rude, mean or inconsiderate. Unfortunately your are forced to live with this person unless you can find some way to arrange it so that you can move in with different people.
It is important to set rules for one another to show who your boundries. Also you should assign chores to make sure things get done. Cleaning up after your self is something you have to do now. Your mother isnt going to come and do it for you and if you dont clean for your self your just going to cause problems for you and your roommate.
It is important to respect eachother.When living with another person you have to adapt to the way they live. You have to share the expensis for the appartment and do the shopping together so you know what to get.When you live with someone you need to respect their views and beliefs in order for things to work. You have to make alot of compermises and share responsibilties. It is important to learn how to share space and talk about things you want to happen and things you don't.
After your first semester or year you have enough experience to decide what kind of person you want to live with and what kind you do not. When picking a roommate you always have to make sure you can stand to be with that person for a amount of time because sometimes you are stuck with them.

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