Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Adapting to college

So far my experience at college is alot of fun. I have made so many new friends and i enjoy spending time with these people. On the other hand I'm finding it a bit difficult to keep up with my homework and papers. The reason for this is most likely because i have no one pushing me to do all my work. I have to wake up and go to class on my own and there is no one to push me to do well.
When you adapt to college you have to take into consideration that it is not a joke. If you don't attend class then you will have a problem catching up on the materials that you have missed. Most of your teachers will fail you if you miss their class more then they would like.
Also adapting to college is hard because you have to develop time management skills so that you can figure out when you will get your work done and when you will go out with your friends. There is also money management that you have to deal with. A lot of your money is going to activities you do out of school but you need to manage how much money you spend with in a week. College is a step you take to taking responsibility for your self.

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