Tuesday, November 27, 2007


Yes, I was one of the many insane people that went out at 12am on BLACK FRIDAY. I never knew how crazy some people go over sales. I went upstate to Woodbury Commons. Each store had a line out the door with people waiting as long as 2 hours to get inside. I do not think that I have seen so many people in one shopping place in my whole life. It is crazy how people get and how nasty some people can be when it comes to shopping. I have always realized that some people are just rude people but when it comes to shopping people can be inconsiderate and to greedy.
I do not like being around a lot of people at one time. It makes me frustrated and aggravated. Being those two takes out the fun of shopping and I love, love, love to shop. It is my passion. But when it comes to being in a crowded place with people and their shopping bags bumping into you id rather be home and not shopping.
I can only imagine how much money the owners of stores make during BLACK FRIDAY and the holiday weekend. I know I myself dropped at least four hundred dollars in the three hours of shopping I did. And I wouldn’t be surprised if there are people out there who tripled what I spent. I will never go shopping on BLACK FRIDAY ever again and that is a promise.

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