Monday, December 3, 2007

ESPN zone

I am a major sports fan. For every sport I have a favorite team and I keep track of the games all season long. One of the coolest things about being a sports fan and living around NYC is the ESPN Zone located in Times Square. A restaurant with a whole bunch of TV sets with major sporting events. I could spend hours in there.

On Sunday night there was a major football game. New England Patriots versus the Indianapolis Colts, and of course my friends and I needed to be somewhere special to watch such a great game. So we decided to go into the city and watch the game with all the other crazy fans in the city at ESPN Zone. There were probably close to over a hundred people on the floor we were at it was loud and insane just so much fun.

The great thing about ESPN Zone is how big it is and the different levels and bars. It’s really nice and every floor is different. My friends and I watched the game on the second floor in the Bristol Suite overlooking Times Square. When the game got boring or there were time outs, watching the people down on the street was just as entertaining. The second floor, Bristol Suite isn’t the only area within the building though.

You can watch your favorite sporting events from any one of three floors. The first floor at the Zone is the Studio Grill restaurant, with the baseball tonight bar, and Zone stuff the gift shop. I honestly recommend if you need a gift for someone who is a sports fan they would most likely love anything from that shop.

On the second floor there is also a screening room, which is just that, huge screens for your entertainment, plus the skybox which is like a lounge. The third floor of the Zone is a sporting arena, with arcade style games, fun for everyone. There is another bar on the third floor, the 19th hole bar. The bars are usually the most crowded area of the building or at least they have been the couple of times I have been to ESPN Zone.

ESPN Zone is different then any other sports bar that I have ever been to mainly because it has the ESPN title. I felt something special in there, like some kind of weird pride to be a sports fan. I have been to the Zone in Baltimore and it has nothing on New York. My friend Tom likes Baltimore better, but he is foolish because hands down being in New York makes everything better.

I am a New England fan and one of my friends who I was watching the game with is an Indianapolis all the way type of guy, for some reason. So whenever these teams play each other it’s always a fun time with us, we get really into the games, and being at the Zone with fellow crazy sports fans, people make friends. Like when we were there this weekend I met a guy named Matt, and we talked for about an hour about how awesome Tom Brady was. My friend found a guy who felt the same about the Colt’s quarterback and we formed alliances in our ongoing football fight. It was just a fun night, good time.

The people who work at ESPN Zone are some amazing waiters and waitresses. They are so friendly and helpful. The bartenders are cool. The Zone is just such an interesting environment. The food there is equally perfect. I could die over the chicken wings that they serve, better then anywhere else in my opinion. I go to the city ever so often, but making a special trip just to go to ESPN Zone is highly worth it, and if you haven’t been, you should go and watch a game, have a soda and some chicken wings.

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